tan x = (sin x) / (cos x)
With everyone wearing GPS watches at races, plenty of folks are asking why the race distance and pace on their watch don't agree with the official distance and pace. For a math-obsessed coach who constantly preaches to his runners that they shouldn't waste energy, the answers conveniently point out a couple of things. First of all, running a serpentine pattern works well if you're under enemy fire, but it's not great if you want a fast race time.

Coach Cane + earlybird coffee for CAF
I’m excited to announce that I’ve teamed with my friends at earlybird to bring you Booster Blend coffee. A percentage of the proceeds go to the Challenged Athletes Foundation

Simon & Me on the NYRR Habitual Routine Podcast
OK, this was a fun one. To celebrate Earth Day, the good folks at New York Road Runners invited Simon (and me) to be on their Habitual Routine podcast to discuss sustainability.

Fit. Health. Well. Podcast
Jay Denson of the Fit. Health. Well podcast was kind enough to invite me on to chat about marathon training, and how COVID has impacted training and racing

Wake. Dad. Drink. Repeat. Podcast
I was a guest on the Wake. Dad. Drink. Repeat podcast. I got to talk about navigating fatherhood, and how I like to give Simon select opportunities to make decisions, and take the lead, as well as how COVID has impacted my business and my relationships.

Ali On the Run Podcast
Nicole and I were guests on the Ali On the Run Podcast. Ali and I have been friends for nearly ten years, having met when I was the coach and she was a participant in JackRabbit’s Run For the Rabbit promotion back in 2011.

Pace Is Negotiable. Distance Is Not.
When training for a marathon, some long runs go exactly according to plan. (We love those). Some don't. How you handle the ones that don't can have a big impact on how you perform on race day. If you have a sub-par day, there are three ways to handle things